Aktueller Stand der Nennungen für Bechyne:

As you can see still not enough to make the Sponsor happy
after the loss for the past two years.

We hope with your continued help to raise the numbers....

Bamberger,J. Aschenbrenner,F. Plattner,S.
Birner,P. Binov,A. Richter,F.
Braune,J. Caruso,R. Ritscher,C.
Beck,J. Caaruso,S. Rüdiger,R.
Bruckmüller,M. Dold,G. Scholz,D.
Ehrismann,R. Dold,R. Strobel,W.
Engeland,J. Ekert,I. Vepsalainen,M.M.
Fuez,K. Ekerst,S. Vetterl,D.
Fiedler,M. Erbs,K. Walliert,C.
Franger,H. Gorzelitz,B. Weikum,M.
Habermann,G. 2X Grauner,R. Wildgruber,M.
Hagenstein,S. Günther,T.
Helmbrecht,T. Hardekopf,J.
Herz,C. Heldt,V.
Kleider,K.H. Herbst,A.
Koch,J. Himmler,M.
Kohler,P. Kolacny,M.
Niesner,K. Krautberger,O.
Reinhard,M. Kreiter,M.
Rygol,M. Levi,L.
Sax,B. Laur,M.
Schöninger,T. Müller,L.
Sommer,M. Müller,M.
Staedter,T. Petranek,M.
Widmann,G. Poser,M.

TOT=61 Needed= 83 = Need 22 more!!!!!!