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Dirk Peiler
29.08.2005, 13:39
Herzlichen Glühstrumpf an den neuen amtierenden niederländischen Supergas - Meister Jens "Zippel" Zimmermann. :huld:

Geil, wie Du den unsportlichen Wouter van Leersum abgezockt hast!!!!! :showass:

(Zur Erläuterung: Der Bursche hatte sich in S/G und S/C eingeschrieben, woran erstmal nix schlechtes ist. Allerdings hat er für alle klar erkennbar die S/C-Läufe genutzt, um sein Throttlestop für S/G zu optimieren, d.h. er ist in S/C andauernd 9.9 und 9.8 gefahren. Damit hat er sich einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschafft, was nach DMSB-Reglement als unsportlich einzustufen ist und somit zum Rennausschluß hätte führen müssen.) :meinung:

Umso besser, dass Zippel ihn anschließend auf den Trailer geschickt :prima:

Es war mir eine Ehre, gegen Dich in Runde 2 rauszufliegen, Zippel, alter Haudegen!!! Noch dazu mit der sehr knappen Differenz von 23 Tausendsteln. (R)

Glückwunsch auch an Lothar Feidt, der in S/C gewonnen hat!!! (8.90 glaube ich) :grins:

See you in Vandel.........


P.S. Das war Achse verbiegen in Hockenheim....Danke an Martin Grosse-Geldermann für das Bild!

29.08.2005, 13:58
Ja super gemacht Zippel....

@Dirk - sieh selbst....


Jürgen Kath
29.08.2005, 13:58
unserem alten Freund Zippelino einen herzlichen Glückwunsch für diese starke Leistung!!! :D

29.08.2005, 14:48
...das du Kompressor-Kalle weggehauen hast !

Nocheinmal: Herzlichen Glückwunsch !


Michael Vogt
29.08.2005, 16:08
Hey Zippel, auch von den Ameisen Glückwunsch zu Deinem Sieg.

Micha vogt

29.08.2005, 16:16
Hallo Zippel!
Das MATTE-RACING-TEAM freut sich über Deinen tollen Erfolg in Holland.
Riesen Glückwunsch!!!!
Matte :) =) :D :rolleyes:

Michael Krenz
29.08.2005, 16:45
Gratulation auch aus Eppele :respekt:

Drag Race Team Krenz

29.08.2005, 17:03
:D :thumb: :bier:

Auch von mir einen herzlichen Glückwunsch an den Sieger !!!

Kann mir jemand wohl den Unterschied zwischen SG & SC erklären, außer im Index???? ?(

Unwissende Grüße

29.08.2005, 17:35
die herzlichsten grüsse aus dem wilden süden vom

richarzzz team

wir werden wie schon angedroht kommende saison auch mal zur frau antje fahren ;-)

Andre Müller
29.08.2005, 19:30
...auch vom DragRaceTeam Potsdam die herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum Sieg und zum Gewinn der Meisterschaft :respekt: ...in Dänemark werden wir Dir wieder das Leben schwer machen :D ,ist ja bis jetzt auch noch ein rein deutsches Starterfeld in SuperGas...

c.u. in Vandel

Gruß Andre
DragRaceTeam Potsdam :prima:

Silke Beer
29.08.2005, 22:41
Natürlich auch herzliche Glückwünsche aus dem SüdWesten!
hab' Deinen Sieg am Sonntag nicht mehr mitbekommen, mußte los und bin schon etwas früher am Nachmittag auf den Heimweg.

29.08.2005, 23:06
Auch vom DHL-GHR Jet Team die herzlichsten Glückwünsche
zum Sieg und zum Gewinn der Holländischen S/G Meisterschaft. :grins:

Gruß Gerd & Ulrike

The lonesome Dragstripper
29.08.2005, 23:41
@ silvia,

unterschied SG /SC:

in super gas nur doorslammer mit 9.9er index, ab super comp auch dragster und funny cars erlaubt bei nem index von 8.9 sek..


30.08.2005, 10:27
Herzlichen Glückwunsch auch von mir! :rave:

30.08.2005, 11:03
@ Silvi, hier steht alles ganz genau drin - sehr hilfreich:


+ congrats an Zippel, weiter so!!!

greetz jule

30.08.2005, 13:23
von mir auch selbstverständlich beste glückwünsche!

30.08.2005, 14:10
... ohne Worte http://www.kts.de/images/champagner-time.jpg

30.08.2005, 14:43
Danke erstmal allen für die Glückwünsche zum Titelgewinn in HOLLAND.

Wir sind natürlich sehr glücklich,das es dieses Jahr so gut geklappt hat.Nachdem wir ja letztes Jahr schon so knapp das Finale(auch gegen W.v.Leersum) und damit den Titel versaubeutelt haben.
Die Revanche war UNSER.
Aber trotzdem auch einen Glückwunsch an alle die dort waren und das beste gezeigt haben.
Uns hat es gefallen und wir fanden,das es spannende Wettkämpfe waren.
Nächstes Jahr sind wir auf jeden Fall wieder da.

Wenn es unser Budget erlaubt und der Zeitplan es zulässt,wollten wir nächstes Jahr auch mal Skandinavien antesten.Vielleicht findet sich ja noch der ein oder andere Wegbegleiter aus dem" wilden Haufen" der deutschen Supergässer.

Nochmals Danke und see you in Vandel.


Björn Lähndorf
30.08.2005, 15:06
Hallo Zippel,

auf diesem Wege auch die allerherzlichsten Glückwünsche zu Deinem
Hab ich ja schon an Deinem Geburtstag gesagt:

Mach sie alle weg!!

Siehst Du, immer gut, wenn man auf`s Chefchen hört, gell!

Viele Grüße aus Lübeck
Björn und Chefchen nebst Team

Thorsten Appel
30.08.2005, 20:44
auch von hier aus alles gute zur schale
da werden die holländer wohl etwas sauer sein nachdem sie schonmal mit unserer berufsfeuerwehr zutun hatten
klasse sieg gruss aus hamburg

30.08.2005, 21:26
Glückwunsch , echt ne super Leistung. Wenn ich mir die Zeiten und Reaktionszeiten in SG ansehe vergeht einem manchmal die Lust in die Klasse aufzusteigen.
Bei uns hats ja nicht ganz geklappt. Nächstes Jahr gehts weiter!
Gruß Udo

Silke Beer
30.08.2005, 22:01
Original von Udo
Bei uns hats ja nicht ganz geklappt. Nächstes Jahr gehts weiter!
Gruß Udo

ja das kommt davon wenn man zu schnell wird... :rolleyes:

Stefan Graff
01.09.2005, 14:57
:bier: Glückwünsche!! :bier:
Zuerst auch an Zippel (für den echt krimimäßigen Vortrag), dann aber auch gleich an Stefan Giese als Competition-Eliminator- Meister und Lucky Lothar Feidt als Super Comp-Champ der Explosionisten!!
Mein Teamkollege Martin "Thunderbutt" Hüning hat es als bestplatzierter deutscher Mopedtreiber immerhin zum niederländischen Vize der Super Street Twins gebracht. Gefeliciteert!! :D
Und jetzt: auf nach Dänemark!

Robert Joosten
01.09.2005, 18:11
to Zippel; respect ! :prima:
win in the very tuff SG field, with back to back strong runs.
you are top off the game.
Also congratulations to Lothar with his win in SC.

I don't want to make a end on this party, but zippel is the only german
SG driver at this level...
So to say Deutsche sind Meister in NL is a little to much..

but that is in the eye of a Dutch racer :D :D :D

Klaus Romahn
02.09.2005, 16:58
@ Robert Joosten,
i´m realy sorry to here such statements from a well known and respected racer as you . A champion is a champion by points . So Zippel is a champ and Lothar is a champ and Stefan is also a champ if you like it or not .You dutch guys count there points and gave them the dutch championship ! It´s not importend if those guys are german or not . But to say that only Zippel has the class to win races and championchips is unfair and by the way totaly wrong . Remember the last years where racers from germany dominates as there are Björn Lähndorf, Olaf v. Sprekelsen , Jan Hardekopf , Jens Riehl , Harald Sturhahn to name only some of them . They are dutch champions also and win races in Drachten . Or take Andreas Homburg who is taken out of the last race in unfair ways as the top qualyfier in SG ! By the way the dutch racer Walter van Leersum gets the gold medal for unfair racing from me for dialing in his throttle stop with 9,90 runs in the 8,90 SC class. Is that the level you talked about ?
So be fair to our performance and let the champions be champions . We do the same to you dutch guys .
Take care buddy
CU Klaus Romahn ;)

Robert Joosten
02.09.2005, 20:17
sorry if I make the wrong impression.
You are totaly right. That is what I meant. A champion is a Champ by points.
The only thing, and maybe it is also in the translation, is
that " Deutsche sind Meister in NL!!!" sounds like.. well (S) like that !

I talk to Wouter after he make that 9,9 run in SC
and told him that he made a very wrong move with that run. And you are right, it is unfair racing ! big time.
I told him that if I was racing in SG, I would have protest him for that run ! To bad somebody else in SG did not did that.
He agreed with me, and told me that it was indeed a stupid move.
It is up to him to make it up.

I do not know what happend with Andreas ?

best regards to all german racers,

02.09.2005, 21:16
@ Robert

There didn't happened much to Andreas,they just took away his chances of winning the championship,which sucks bigtime. X(
Roel van den Hout was making license runs for SG this weekend.
Everybody thought that he acomplished his tests on Saturday,including the people who made up the flow charts .
But,to everybody's surprise,Roel had to make one last run on his own on Sunday morning in the first Elimination-round.
This means that there was a unequal number of racers,so Andreas ( nr.1 qualifier ) was supposed to have a bye-run in first round eliminations....

@ Klaus

I'm aware of the fact that van Leersum broke some old fashion stone age rules by using his SC-runs to dial-in for SG,
but that wasn't world breaking news to the other SG-racers as he used all available runs for this purpose.
So did Scheppers and Vegter,several times last year,in fact it's happening in all the Sportsman -classes in Holland now-a-days.
There are S/ST Cars in Streetmachines,SG cars in S/ST Car,etc.
The guys bought a new weather station at the beginning of the season and wanted to get comfortable with this new tool,something they still haven't accomplished after such a short season as ours.
That's one of the main reasons to race at the Main Event(UK) earlier this year and to compete in both SC/SG at DRAGten,just to make as much runs as money and time permits.
The Nova don't even get close to a 8.90, it wil need cold summer nights,warm track and damn good air to make a decent 9.10.
It surprised them to be at the nr.3 spot with 9.3 sec runs in SC after the MPM-event,guess this says more about the (international) level of SC-racing in Holland then van Leersum's skills in SC.
He pays for the attendence-fees,so he will be the only one to decide what to do with his runs.( if we like it or not )
As far as I'm informed there are NO such rules in the Dutch scene which prohibit this kind of actions,let alone to make any protest .
So it's a bit tricky to judge without knowledge of a persons goals for 2005.
Me for myself, I don't see any harm in using the TS in SC for SG-purposes,cause it's just a tool,you still need to bring out a lot of luck and experience........
Still,both Robert and you made your point of view,so maybe they will think twice before they act next time.(or not )
Maybe when the Nova is sold,he might buy a decent racecar for the SC-index ;-)
What happened to Andreas Homburg is the biggest error ever made, something which probably had great impact to the value of the 2005 championship,we'll never know.
Besides all the errors and different point of views,Zippel was the right person to win,he deserved it with good close racing and friendly sportsmanship,no doubt about that,any competing SG-er will agree...

Just my 2 cents....but that is in the eye of a Dutch racefan

Klaus Romahn
03.09.2005, 11:48
thank you for your words first so we can here some more guys . But the fact that v. Leersum and Vegter or Scheppers or somebody else compete in both classes (SG/SC) is not the problem if all tried to reach the 8,90 or 9,90 . To use the 8,90 class and dial in 9,90 is absolutely unfair . If somebody runs 9,30 in SC that´s ok if he can´t go faster .Vegter runs 9,10 that´s great for his car! But v. Leersum has doubled his test runs . Next time all SG teams should do the same that would be funny for the spectators and the organisation because it tooks twice the time. And the SC racers use the SG class also to dial there 8,90 times in . Every racer gets his 3 or 4 qualy runs that´s all . I think you might understand what i mean. I´m racing for nearly 20 years now and belive me i never saw such unfair racing and in my mind it should no longer be allowed to race in two classes at one event . I remember when Lothar was standing in the burnout erea with his engine running and waiting for Mr. Scheppers who was just racing In SG the run before and some of his team was towing him back and Mr. Scheppers need a lot of cool down time for his SG car and everybody was waiting for the next" rain " .That´s so stupid because a SG car must drive by his own and the radiator must be so big and the cooling system must be able to hold the normal temp all the day long . So are the rules .I realy enjoy racing for so long now but what i don´t like is if somebody is doing unfair things. Not all racers have the balls to say what they mean and doing protest in a guestfriendly foreign country .But i only wanted to say that everybody should be fair to each other and realy enjoy dragracing as i do for so long now .
CU Klaus Romahn :prima:

Thorsten Appel
03.09.2005, 13:09
moin männer
also mal kurz auf den punkt gebracht wer hat den titel jens zippel und das zeigt mir doch deutlich das kompressor nova auch 200 läufe hätte machen können um sein auto einzudailen geklappt hat es ja trozdem nicht und im umkerhschluss heisst das ja auch das zippel mit weniger läufen seine karre besser im griff hat und somit nicht nur der bessere fahre sonder auch mit einem bessserenm verständnis für seinen TS ausgestattet ist . und ansonsten ob unsportlich oder nicht wenn es nicht ausdrücklich verboten ist scheint es keine regel dagegen zu geben ob einem das passt oder nicht.
und nun sollten doch alle sich freuen für die gewinnner und alles daran setzen das wir nächstes jahr noch mal ein paar titel holen
in diesem sinne

03.09.2005, 13:22
I remember when Lothar was standing in the burnout erea with his engine running and waiting for Mr. Scheppers who was just racing In SG the run before and some of his team was towing him back and Mr. Scheppers need a lot of cool down time for his SG car and everybody was waiting for the next" rain "

Well,Klaus, for Wouter not being able to cool down his car in time was another reason to skip SC as a whole.
He had a 11 points lead in SG and hehad set his goals on SG.
Winning from Scheppers was no big deal but of no value compared to a eventual SG-championship.
If he defeated Scheppers in the first elimination round( instead of dialing-in for 9.87),then according to the flow-chart he had to face Lothar Feidt.
On forehand a lost run,cause Lothar is running the numbers easily.
I agree with you that people in SC must try and reach the 8.90,especially in elimination.
I know that Wouter agrees with this issue also,it's one of the reasons why he put the Nova up for sale,like I said before.
Van Leersum has the balls to admit that he uses his runs for SG,now if any SG/SC-racer doesn't agree with this move,they should speak and discuss this with him instead of moaning around like litle kids that lost their marbles,he won't bite....
To forbid racing in two classes is a huge step, let's face it,without the SG -ers in SC it's just a Mickey Mouse contest.
There would only be a Lothar Feidt, Michel Baltjes and a single lost foreigener like Zane Lewelyn to "win "the battle....
Don't know if this is the future,but winning a championship with 3 competitors isn't worth a dime.
Well,enough bull from my side,hope that Zippel and team enjoy their victory and don't drink too much :D
Good luck and hope to see you all again in good spirits in 9 months time :( :( :(

The Kid
04.09.2005, 14:49
Driving in more than one class should not be a problem. I was one of the first that started with racing in different classes. The idea to do this came from our trip to Curacao were we also raced in different classes. But overthere each class has there qualifications and eliminations on the same day. So you don´t have a problem if you reach more than one final. The biggest problem in Holland is that we only have 3 races. You just can´t make enough runs in a year. So if you race several classes you have the change to race your car a little more. I competed in ST en SG last year but SG is my class. I used ST to tune the car but I tried to reach the 10.9 index. I dont´t care if you use your SC qualifications to make SG runs but in the eliminations you just can´t do that. When you are in the eliminations and you have to run against the nr.1 qualifier in the first round and somebody else is racing against a ´tuneracer´ from another class. Thats not completely fair.
But I don´t want to stop the double entry possibility. Without that SC will be an empty class. Winning it would have not value. Do I have the solution? Not really, everyone can do what he wants and I think it has to stay that way. Vegter en Scheppers did this trick once but they have changed there minds. Maybe Wouter van Leersum will change his.
And about the Dutch championship, there are just 3 races.This year with one rainout. Winning a championship of 2 races isn´t a big deal to me. I was champion twice but I think that winning a race has much more value than winning the championship. Nevertheless, Zippel is a great racer and a nice guy. I have no problem handing over the number 1 to him. Lets see what will happen next year. He is the man to beat! Hunting season will be opened!!!:shock:

greatings, Paul Vrind

04.09.2005, 23:54
Ich glaube es wird Zeit das es in Deutschland mal wieder was zu fahren gibt , damit wir mit den Holländern auch in DE zusammen fahren können!? Sie sind OK und gute Racer! Also nicht streiten !!
Gruß Udo

05.09.2005, 14:34
Ich glaube es wird Zeit das es in Deutschland mal wieder was zu fahren gibt , damit wir mit den Holländern auch in DE zusammen fahren können!? Sie sind OK und gute Racer! Also nicht streiten !!

They should use the Nitrolympics as a 4th round and St. Truiden (Belgium) as 5th round for S/ST car and SG/SC ,maybe even one in Danmark for the die-hards,that would make an affordable 2006 tour for everyone, but that's just my thoughts and would need a new topic to discuss this :D
Just go on where Robert ( Joosten ) stopped with his SG-efforts...