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31.08.2006, 19:42
Hallo liebe (Mit)Leser, Fans und Racer,

hier mal meine Meinung zu Hockenheim 2006 - ich war als Teilnehmer dort (nicht zum erstenmal und auch nicht zum letztenmal...):

Organisation: Papier-, Techabnahme, Freundlichkeit usw. ..............Note 2+

Komfort: Toiletten, Duschen usw. .............................................Note 3

Strecke: Grip, Welligkeit, Rückführung, Sicherheit usw...................Note 2+

Zeitnahme: Vorstart, Timing, Starter usw.................... ...............Note 2

Anmerkung: Ich wurde von ALLEN korrekt und freundlich behandelt und angesprochen. Das Sch*****wetter war deprimierend. Das dadurch die Orga und der Ablauf dermaßen ausser Tritt kam, ist angesichts der langen Tradition und Erfahrung mit dieser Veranstaltung allerdings erstaunlich und auch nervig!


Good Speed

Thomas - VRD9

01.09.2006, 10:18
Moin zus@mmen !
auf www.dragster.de gibt es jetzt mal was ganz neues,
ein Statement von Rico :deal: zum Ablauf der NitrolympX 2006.
So was hat es - glaube ich- noch nie gegeben, und es ist lesenswert,
auch mal "die andere Seite" und ihre Darstellung mitzubekommen.
Bis dann,
Bin ich heute eigentlich der einzige, der auf der Fahrt zur Arbeit - unter blauem Himmel- leise geflucht hat ?
So ein Wetter am letzten WE und es hätte so manchen :pissed:Ärger :pissed: gar nicht erst gegeben,
wie sagte es ein Fußballspieler mal so schön :
"Erst hatten wir kein Glück, und dann kam auch noch Pech dazu."

01.09.2006, 10:59
Hallo liebe Leser, Fans und Fahrer,
hier ist meine Meinung zur Veranstaltung ,ich war als Teilnehmer vor Ort und bin bei den UEM Bikes gestartet, und werde auch nächstes Jahr wieder dort starten, so wie die letzten Jahre auch.

Organisation: ..., Note 2
Komfort:..., Note 3
Strecke :..., Note 2
Zeitnahme :...., Note 2

Meine Anmerkung: Das Wetter war natürlich mal bescheiden ausgedrückt ziemlich daneben,daß daß die Orga und Zeitplan beeinträchtigt ist vollkommen klar , ich von meiner Seite kann mich nicht beschweren, bis eben auf`s Wetter .

Und ich möchte auch noch mal Jürgen & Thorsten Kath und euer Team für die Unterstützung danken, Jungs ihr seit einfach Weltklasse. danke :prima:

bis bald

Patrick Kaiser
01.09.2006, 11:08
hi benni das mit dem statement ist schon cool??? bloß es sind zwei sachen mit dabei die ich so nicht stehen lassen kann.
1. wer hätte zwischen 13.28 -14 uhr fahren solllen? es seien keine fzg verfügbar gewesen. wie kein fzg/ wir wäre es mit den kleineren klassen pr1 /ms/super gas wir waren alle race ready und haben auf den aufruf gewartet und ein zweiter quali lauf hätte gut getan. und am sonntag ging es ja auch ruckzuck / schnell tanken und weiter wo ist dann da das problem???
2. zeitplanänderungen werden rechtzeitig den teilnehmern mitgeteilt.wir sind den ganzen samstag mittag auf kohlen gesessen bis ich irgenwann hintenrum erfahren habe das wir nicht mehr fahren. ist das rechtzeitige information??? glaube ich nicht.
das ist leider meine meinung zu dem statement aber was solls-

01.09.2006, 11:36

Kann mir jemand helfen?
ich kann das Statement von Herrn Anthes nicht finden...


01.09.2006, 12:55

unten rechts auf dem button Statement drücken

01.09.2006, 13:07
Also ich muß mal anerkenneswerter Weise sagen, dass ich das Statement gut finde.
Immerhin ein Anfang . . . . . .
Bisher gab es ja gar kein Echo auf Kritik.


Jürgen Kath
01.09.2006, 13:53
Ich hatte leider noch keine Zeit Rico`s Statement zu lesen, werde es aber kurzfristig tun. So oder so werden wir sein Statement auf jeden Fall auf dieser Seite posten, denn unser Forum ist für alle Seiten offen und wir bieten sowohl den Racern wie auch den Veranstaltern stets die Möglichkeit sich frei zu äußern und zu Vorwürfen und Kritik Stellung zu nehmen.

An dieser Stelle mal wieder einen herzlichen Dank an alle User des größten deutschen Dragracing-Forums, mehr als 2.000 Besucher pro Tag sprechen wohl für sich! :respekt: :danke: :prima:

Kath Bros. Drag Racing

Michael Mikuscheit
01.09.2006, 14:04
Tach zusammen,
Statement gelesen....... Fazit:ES KANN NUR EINEN GEBEN(der Recht mit seinem Statement hat) :meinung:
Cu on the track Michael

01.09.2006, 15:21
Hallo Zusammen,

es ist schon schade, was da aus dieser einst sehr schönen Veranstaltung geworden ist. Von 1985 bis 2005 bin ich als Zuschauer dort gewesen. Das Sportliche rückte leider immer weiter in den Hintergrund. Und nun auch noch die Probleme, die schon zur Genüge geschildert wurden. Eine kleine Anmerkung noch von mir : In Santa Pod, wo ich auch regelmäßig bin, gibt es bei schlechtem Wetter einen Rain-Off Value. Im letzten Jahr Sept. war der Sa. verregnet. Es gab fast die Hälfte des Eintrittsgeldes zurück !!! In Hockenheim nur ein Statement für Leichtgläubige. Wie schon gesagt: Schade um eine ehemals sehr schöne Veranstaltung. Aber vielleicht wird es ja wieder Gut. Man sollte die Hoffnung ( noch ) nicht aufgeben.

Juerjen Tiemann
01.09.2006, 17:31
SO wird dat nie wat! Eine Pause ist dadurch definiert, dass es trocken sein muss. Während sich eine Klasse auf einen Start vorbereitet, darf keine andere Klasse fahren. Klasse!!!

01.09.2006, 18:12
Diese Statements hat es doch die letzten Jahre immer gegeben um die Gemüter wieder zu beruhigen. Es hat noch keiner die Kosten und Zeitaufwand angesprochen die an so einem Wochenede für einen Fahrer anfallen. Für einen guten Rennablauf finde ich das ok aber nicht um sich anzuhören das man eigentlich nicht so gerne gesehen ist und das es die Klasse nächstes Jahr wahrscheinlich nicht mehr geben wird weil nicht professionell genug ! Nee danke !!!!!!!

Es gibt bestimmt auch andere Veranstalltungen nächstes Jahr . Hoffentlich!!!!!!!!!!

Gruß Udo

01.09.2006, 18:45

Ich möchte dazu gar nicht viel sagen ;Wir waren das ganze Weekend da.
Ich fand es ein großes durcheinander.....

Und zum Statement ; Die großen zeigen wer richtige Drag Racer sind !!!
Es wurden Funny Cars "bezahlt" dafür das sie bei der Night Show fahren!!
Und somit Ihre Autos riskierten .....

Egal,vielleicht wird es nächstes mal besser , auch vom Wetter usw...


The lonesome Dragstripper
01.09.2006, 19:03
hi, gerad ebei eurodragster gefunder, bezieht sich auf einen report vom vortag...

Anthes responds to FIM/UEM report.
1st September: if you were tuned in to Eurodragster.com News on Wednesday then you will have read FIM/UEM Championship Co-ordinator Lars Andersson's report on last weekend's Nitrolympx at Hockenheim. Nitrolympx Promoter Rico Anthes has taken exception to some of Lars' observations and has asked us to publish his responses. Regular readers will know that in the event of a dispute Eurodragster.com will publish both sides or neither, and so we owe Rico the right of reply.

Since Rico responded to Lars' report, Lars has in turn replied to Rico, so with Lars' permission we have included his responses, and Lars has made it clear to us that these are his last words on the subject.

We have made very tiny changes to the English for clarity but other than that the below is verbatim:

Rico Anthes: Mr. Andersson has made some statements which are not quite correct. In the following I will outline his statements and comment to it:

Report: I arrived on Thursday and was making the inspection of the tracký a little bit afraid because the track did not look so very good. But the American people from NHRA sad that the track would be good.

Rico Anthes: Let me tell you what Mr. Andersson wrote in his inspection report from Hockenheim in the year 2004: "The track is in good condition and ready for race". Everybody still remembers that the track was slippery and had no good traction in the year 2004. We have managed to cure the problem in 2005 and ever since the track is excellent. This was proved by excellent times in all classes this year. What makes him comment every time contrary to the real existing conditions? Is it Mr. Anderssonýs eyesight or is he unable to judge a track condition?

Lars Andersson: Looking on the track there was more rubber last year but as admitted the track worked good.

Report: On the first Jury meeting did we also decide ý that we should use the 16 bike ladderý

Rico Anthes: The proposal to run a 16 bike field was made from our Organsiation, because we had 17 PSB entries and many of them from Greece and Italy.

Lars Andersson: Yes Mr Anthes asked me when I arrived on Thursday. But as everyone knows the only way to change the official invitation is at the first jury meeting. The promotor cannot change this it must be done by the jury

Report: On Saturday morning was it still water in the air, but the sun come and the track started to dry. So 12.52 did we start the first qualification for the UEM bikes... So in 36 minutes did we manage to do all bikes. ý with a little bit of luck and some good work from the staff did we manage to make a second qualification round.

Rico Anthes: It was not the sun that did dry the track, it was the result of two and half hours work of my track crew that made the track dry. It was also our proposal to run a second qualifying round only for the bikes, leaving all car classes with one qualifying. It was not Luck, it was our Organisation giving the UEM Championship full priority. According to Mr. Andersson, our staff was doing good, but now he changes his mind.

Lars Andersson: I think and said that your staff do good work. But even in the best work sometimes things go wrong.

Report: But here comes some small mistakes that almost destroyed the whole race. The people in the burn out area calls Anders Jacobsson in the solo run and the next bike Len Paget that was in the other lane but in next pair in to the burn out area. The timing people put both this riders in the computer. But only Anders Jacobsson forward an on the sign of the starter goes Anders in stage. At this point do the timing crew understand that it was a solo run. So they reset the pairing and put the starting tree on red. Of course does Anders start and run.

Rico Anthes: First of all this little moment of "confusion" did NOT almost destroy the whole race, because the mistake was noticed and the timing staff set the tree on RED, which every racers understands as a sign to STOP. The tree was reset for a bye run, bike P29 just needed to stage proper and wait for the green. But he left before the yellow and that is why he did get a red light and no time. The COMPULINK System was set on Autostart, which is run at every race in America and it seems to me that some riders had problems to wait for the automatic green, given by the computer. On the next pairing incidently a wrong number (P9) was entered in the computer for P8 and the lanes where mixed, so again the crew sets the tree RED to change it. Why does bike P6 revs up to high engine rpm when the tree shows a red signal? P8 leaves early and gets a red light, P6 shuts off, this puts P8 in the next round.

Lars Andersson: To use the red light to abort a start when a rider is in stage is as my personal feeling not the right way. Remember also that I did not take the decision to put P29 forwards on the ladder this was correctly done bye the timing and Clerk of the course. In this round Len did not receive a red light. Both Örjan and Len went on the starters order in stage then the tree still was on red . The reason that he revs up the engine is that the starter points him in.

Report: One more pair and the fourth pair that I personally think not should have run because the track started to be wet. Then was the race stop. ýHere is also a little bit of confusion between the people working on the track, Who do take this decision.

Rico Anthes: The Clerk of the Course does make the decision to stop the race and he did it, Mr. Andersson, after he received the message from the top end that it was raining heavy at the shut down area. No confusion whatsoever!

Lars Andersson: Yes but many people asked me why I let them run. And I told them that I am just an observer and not make the decisions.

Report: After this started a lot of talking. Was Anders Jacobsson through since he had a red light, was the second pair okay. In the computer was nothing on the first run and in the second run was it the number of Örjan in the line of Len and P9 that was not any rider at all in the other line. But the crew made the decision that Anders was okay and that Len was okay.

Rico Anthes: Reading the above sentence gives me the impression only Mr. Andersson had not understood and needed a "lot of talking". Our timing crew and Bob Brockmeyer had noticed the mistakes and corrected the ladder accordingly.

Lars Andersson: Yes but since the ladder was not completed there was a lot of talking in the pits.

Report: On Sunday morning after the delay for drying the track did we continue the racing. Ther was some problems with the track and I made personal inspection just before the race started, maybe did I delay the race one or two minutes, but the track needed thisý

Rico Anthes: The decision that the track was dry and safe to race was made by the Clerk of the Course and confirmed by our American specialists from NHRA. Who does Mr. Andersson think he is, that he can delay a race and overrule decisions of the race officials. The nonsense of his provocation, which was accompanied by a whistling audience, was obvious. He walked down the track for five minutes, holding off the first Pro Stock pairing to run. Does anybody believe that the track got dryer because Mr. Andersson was walking on it? The organizing Club will make an official protest to the UEM about the behaviour of Mr. Andersson misusing his position as UEM Steward.

Lars Andersson: Yes I did walk but ten minutes earlier the track was not ready. Also did I not hold up the events more than one minute and after the bikes had run nothing was waiting in the up line area so the race in total was not delayed.

Report: Then did we start the second elimination for the Pro Stock bikes. Again some small problems in the timing so nothing is in the computer. Anders Jacobsson and Len Paget goes in to stage. Len gets a red light and Anders bikes stops and just jumps out some meters.ý So I go and have some lunch. Coming back later can I see that on the paper is now Len the winner.

Rico Anthes: No Problems with the computer! Bike P29 rolled out of stage and P8 did not wait for the tree to come down, got a red light and no time. So we had no times in both lanes. According to our German Regulations and NHRA, "first is worse", we gave the win to P8 because he has made the later foul. That is why we did let Len Paget P8 continue the race. In the final meeting of the Stewards, it was recognized that UEM rules say that there must be prove that the rider has made his run over the finish line. We had no time, therefore no prove and the Stewards decided to take his run out of the competition.

Lars Andersson: Not correct. P29 did receive a green light but stopped after he launched. As everyone knows only one can get a red light in elimination sand if P29 had backed out Len would automatically get a green light The rules say that a bike must cross the finish line under its own momentum. Then I was talking to the people in the timing they had put P29 forwards on the hand written note. So I told them to take both away. I have respect for the timing people they worked very hard and well.

Report: In the other classes was it much easier. In Top Fuel Bike is it easy to just say Roel Koedam rules. Running only low 6 seconds times...

Rico Anthes: Mr. Andersson has forgot that we had another pairing in the semi final, TF2 against TF19, both not waiting for the green light, therefore not receiving any time and not giving a winner of this run. This would have left the final as a bye run. In this case Ian King approached the race director asking to do a re-run, which we agreed to, after we got a written statement that all riders being in favour for this decision. We made the re-run and that is why you see Roel Koedam as winner of this pairing, advancing into the final and later winning the Top Fuel Bike category. So I am wondering why Mr. Andersson has not made this proposal for a re-run? The UEM Steward has to take care of the interests of ALL bike riders, right? Was it just because the riders came from Italy and Holland, and not from any Scandinavian country? Just a questioný

Lars Andersson: Of course I work for all classes. But I can only be at one place at one time. So Ian did take this problem. I hope that all understand that I think that Roel Koedam is one of the best riders and a very good sportsman. I do hope that nobody thinks that the wording I used meant some thing different.

Report: This is almost the story from Hockenheim. The facilities are the best of all tracks. The public is the biggest and makes most noise. The track was good this time. Hopefully will it also be a Championship race next year. We need a track in the central Europe just to make it easier for riders from southern Europe to race in the Championship.

Rico Anthes: The track was good "this time", how grateful of you Mr. Andersson, giving us your blessing. All riders and drivers who I have spoken to, have said the track was excellent, even though it had rained on it the entire Friday, twice on Saturday continuing all night until Sunday morning. Has anybody thought about giving the Organisation Team a compliment for finishing a race under these conditions? There might be a Round of the UEM Championship next year in Hockenheim, but I do not see Mr. Andersson as UEM Steward at this event.

Lars Andersson: No problems for me that I not will go to Germany and to Hockenheim again. To be yelled at in front of drivers and public instead of to move away is not so nice as I said. I also tried to say that many of the officials did a very good job. At the jury meeting I said this several times and also had very good discussions with them. Many of the officials are very nice. Yes I agree with Mr Anthes that it was good to manage to finish the race in time.


A. Friesch
01.09.2006, 23:59
Hallo..habe das Statement gelesen..Rico schreibt von "einer Armada" von Trocknern!!?? Wer mal in Pod oder Mantorp war der weiß was eine Armada an Trocknern ist!!!Es fahren pro Strip zwei Sauger und zwei Trockner über die Strecke ob wohl es noch regnet!!! Das was ich in Hockenheim gesehen habe war eine Kehrmaschine die nicht einmal so groß ist um einen Gehweg zu reinigen und ein Hupenden LKW der mit einem besserem Haartrockner versucht den Strip zu trocknen. Abgesehen von dem armen Meschen der ne Propangasflache hinter sich hergezogen hat und versucht hat die noch feuchten Stellen damit zu trocknen! Also: Soviel zu der Organisation die bekanntlich schon lange vor dem Event beginnen sollte!!!Meine Meinung!!!Sehen uns in Pod...