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Thema: Deutsche sind Meister in NL!!!

  1. #31
    Neuer Benutzer Avatar von The Kid
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    Driving in more than one class should not be a problem. I was one of the first that started with racing in different classes. The idea to do this came from our trip to Curacao were we also raced in different classes. But overthere each class has there qualifications and eliminations on the same day. So you don´t have a problem if you reach more than one final. The biggest problem in Holland is that we only have 3 races. You just can´t make enough runs in a year. So if you race several classes you have the change to race your car a little more. I competed in ST en SG last year but SG is my class. I used ST to tune the car but I tried to reach the 10.9 index. I dont´t care if you use your SC qualifications to make SG runs but in the eliminations you just can´t do that. When you are in the eliminations and you have to run against the nr.1 qualifier in the first round and somebody else is racing against a ´tuneracer´ from another class. Thats not completely fair.
    But I don´t want to stop the double entry possibility. Without that SC will be an empty class. Winning it would have not value. Do I have the solution? Not really, everyone can do what he wants and I think it has to stay that way. Vegter en Scheppers did this trick once but they have changed there minds. Maybe Wouter van Leersum will change his.
    And about the Dutch championship, there are just 3 races.This year with one rainout. Winning a championship of 2 races isn´t a big deal to me. I was champion twice but I think that winning a race has much more value than winning the championship. Nevertheless, Zippel is a great racer and a nice guy. I have no problem handing over the number 1 to him. Lets see what will happen next year. He is the man to beat! Hunting season will be opened!!!:shock:

    greatings, Paul Vrind

  2. #32
    Erfahrener Benutzer
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    Ich glaube es wird Zeit das es in Deutschland mal wieder was zu fahren gibt , damit wir mit den Holländern auch in DE zusammen fahren können!? Sie sind OK und gute Racer! Also nicht streiten !!
    Gruß Udo

  3. #33
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Heenweg, Netherlands
    Ich glaube es wird Zeit das es in Deutschland mal wieder was zu fahren gibt , damit wir mit den Holländern auch in DE zusammen fahren können!? Sie sind OK und gute Racer! Also nicht streiten !!
    They should use the Nitrolympics as a 4th round and St. Truiden (Belgium) as 5th round for S/ST car and SG/SC ,maybe even one in Danmark for the die-hards,that would make an affordable 2006 tour for everyone, but that's just my thoughts and would need a new topic to discuss this
    Just go on where Robert ( Joosten ) stopped with his SG-efforts...

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