
We had the same discussion in Holland and at least one of the 2 organization has turned to Operation Street Legal (Bracket). Why? Because it does not matter if you have a German TUV, Dutch APK etc. You are able to race abroad against the same rules in the class etc.

In Germany alone we have this year at least 3 x 2 day events and 1 time a 3 day event. In Holland it gives 1 x 3 day event and 2 times a 1 day event. Just imagine that DRM will be part of this as well. That means that the street racers alone will have close to 10 races in Germany and Holland. Now besides the DRM championship they can also try and become OSL European champion. European?? Yes, it will be rolled out all over Europe in next coming years.

So, for 2003 it will not be a bad idea to start racing Operation Street Legal in the DRM. Want to know more just send an email to and we will tell you all about it.

