eben mal gefunden
und für alle die hier meinen das die nhra pro sportsman ist
wie ich sagte in ein paar jahren wird es dort nur noch pro classes geben

Meanwhile, in Houston….

The NHRA was hosting its national event. The sportsmen sat and waited in the rain all day Saturday without running. Then, Sunday, they were informed they would not be running at the event. They were cancelled. Tough break, right? You pack up your trailer and move on, correct? Well, only if you wanted to part with even more of your money. The sportsmen were forbidden from leaving the property and threatened with a $250.00 fine if they left because NHRA was concerned they would track mud through the pit roads. So not only could you not race, you could not leave. Drastic times sometimes call for drastic measures, but a fine for leaving? What's with all the sportsman fines lately?

und auch hier mal wieder zu sehen wie in der nhra mit den sportsman racern umgegangen wird

gruss skorpion