Hello everyone!
First apologies for not speaking German and posting in English- my French is pretty rubbish too :conf:
I moved to Metz last December from the UK and would like to get involved in a bit of drag racing either bracket or just RWYB...my car isn't very fast: Volvo V70T5, 15.06@154kmh (best time so far; at Mirecourt last weekend); I'm sure I can get a mid 14 out of my fully loaded daily driver :walker:
Can anyone give me a bit more info about Bitburg- camping, entry costs etc? I'd really like to run there as it's not too far from Metz.
I was really disappointed with Mirecourt- the organisation was dreadful: I got only 8 runs in three days...I thought about joining ATD in France but I don't have the budget or a particularly quick car to take it so seriously.
Look forward to getting some more info from you all and maybe meeting some of you at Bitburg- possibly towards the end of this month? I emailed 1 on 1 for a bit more info but haven't heard back from them yet, so thought I'd ask some questions here!
Cheers for now
I am sure Silke will answer all your questions!
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