Sorry for personally interpreting things read on a public forum, maybe since it was written in German I did misinterpret it, my bad, I'm not Goethe or Schiller . I require some more clarification and I assume that you'll be the one to set me straight. Nice rhetoric btw.

What part of
Original von Euro1320Racer
The ZDDP content in oil is lowered due to emissions.
didn't you understand when you wrote
Original von coolchevyZinc has not disappeared from oils because of new engines and better manufacturing technologies, it had to disappear because of emission reason.
Is this comment you wrote from page 1
Original von coolchevyAusserdem ist das mit dem Synthetiköl und einfahren ein alter Hut, mittlerweile werden doch alle Sportwagen ob Corvette, Viper oder Porsche ab Werk mit Vollsynthetischen Ölen ausgeliefert. Die wären ja schön blöd wenn das so ein Problem wäre..
now null and void since you just wrote
Original von coolchevyBTW, we talk about an old style engine here where the more zinc the better not for your bloody cam tappets only, also for seating the rings if the bore is not plateau honed or not the correct stone.
Are we comparing apples to oranges and different oils and break-in proceedures will be required?

I don't claim to be an engine builder, nor do I claim to race a rally Cosworth hill climber. I'm just stating the facts and fact is that many bracket racers don't use exotic oils.