Hi Guys, Thanks for the replies. We were very happy to do the profile of 'Johnny be good', and I hope he gets his transmission sorted for next year.

The nearest tracks to germany would be Meidl airport at Fertoszentmiklos in north western Hungary (Near the Austria border) although it is not a very grippy place. If you can justify the trip, Kiskunlachaza (just south of Budapest) is a good track which will be prepared with traction compound for some of the events. There will be 2-day race in Slovenia and Varazdin, Croatia which are not a milion miles from Passau.

It would be great to see you guys come south. Keep an eye on cedrag.com, we'll make the calendar for 2010 as soon as we get confirmation of the dates.

Thanks for correcting the link, it was a bit strange navigating my way through German instructions. How do I post this...... Hmmm ... is it "Zurcksetzen"?

No, I just lost everything - lucky I put on the clipboard first. Next I'll try "Vorschau"....

No, that just showed me a preview, OK, it must be "Antwort erstellen"