Original von ribaric
Little piece of news from tonight's trip to Voitsberg (Aus) where I m,et with Mike Magreaur (new Dodge coronet) Heinz Schenk (Camaro) and Walter Puko (Wrangler Jeep). All three of these guys have serious race machines and have agreed to investigate running with a group of similar cars I've been trying to recruit recently. Including Croatian Edo Galic and his 632 ci Malibu, I now have 4 people. I'm off to Hungary soon to try my luck with the sub-ten second guys there.

Hey Merlin, Is that your hot rod on your avatar?
Hi Paul,

yes the avatar shows our race car.
A 427cui Methanol powered 1941 Ford Pick Up.
We hope to go sub 9 next year and be competitive in SuperComp.
I had a good look again at your side.
Great respekt for all the afford and we have a great interest to come to the CEDRAG area

We keep in touch and all the best for your project and the Hungary trip.

Kind regards,