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Kennt noch jemand Björn Cronquist?
Hi Peter; Cool video, I'v been many times in Sweden and saw (and heard) the same sort of story's about making 'illegal bose'. When we went to the Swedish races (or Big Meet in Vasteras) we took minimal 20 trayes with the cheapest beercans we could buy in Holland with us. We sold them of in the pits and more then trippled our money and that payed a good part of our travelcost. I have visited Bjorn Cronqvist a couple of times in his "Loven" Speedshop, a huge shop in the neighbourhood of Stockholm. A Dutch friend of my bought Bjorns first '65 Corvette (a backhalved real 8sec. Stingray) and later he also bought the x-Carl Moyer ProMod Vette from him. Bjorn was very ill back then and short after that passed away.