
We have just released new feature - challenges between players.

You can have a one-on-one competition against any player you want. Just scroll over his name and click "VS" icon from hoover menu.
Other way to challenge other player is to go to "challenges" section from "Office" menu.
Is someone challenges you - notification icon will appear in your office. Just click on it and see who has challenged you. You can accept / reject all challenge requests in "Social Pitwall" (in "VS" section - on the right side).

If you (or your opponent) accept challenge, it will appear in Challenges section of social pitwall (on the left side). Click on it and drive best possible lap to win the challenge.

Remember that this is the first version of the challenge feature. We will add things to make better (such as more notifications, more intuitive options and so on). There will be also separate ranking of best challengers

We will also appreciate your opinions. Both good and bad ones!
